Thursday, October 26, 2023

Magazine Development

here is the development of my magazine, i will put all of my ideas here and reflect on the decisions that i make

Genre : Fashion

Sub-gender : lifestyle 

Name of magazine: 

-Chic Couture
-Runway Elegance
-Fashion Forward
-Style Insider
-Street out
-Striving fashion
-Fashion chronicles

I wanted to use "chic couture" because it sounds very nice but after i did research, the magazine name is already used by another fashion company. I decided to use "street out" as my magazine title which means street and out only but combined it gives out the meaning that your going out and since this is a fashion magazine, your obviously going out looking well dressed. Also that the target audience i am targeting is teenagers, therefore, the title of the magazine is "street out" which gives out a teenager feeling to the audience. 

Possible cover lines :

Fashion Forward: Meet the Designers Shaping the Industry
- Psychology behind fashion : How does fashion shows who you are?
- Does the way you dress shows who you are?
- The Subtle Art of Influence : Mastering Persuasion and Style Impact
- It's the (month) issue!
- Woah?! fashion trends 2023
- What's on the mind of a fashion influencer?
- The reunion of Celebrities and fashion icons.
- Fashion taking over the world 
- Fashion and Self-Expression: What Your Style Says About You

The main cover line i wanted to choose is "The subtle art of influence : mastering persuasion and style impact" because i think it's really interesting to think that there is psychology behind fashion, therefore making fashion more interesting because there is a choice for creative approach to personal expression. It's about using subtle cues, colors, and designs to make a statement without overtly stating it. It's also interesting to think that how a person dress can influence how others think about that person. 
I really wanted to do "fashion forward : meet the designers shaping the industry" too because it seems interesting to write about the person behind the art and fashion, but im probably not going to use this on my magazine.


- Image of 2 models looking bold wearing clothes that shows that they are independant and strong (colours : black, white, grey)
- Image of a model wearing something elegant with white colour dress, flowy, showing the characteristics of pure and simple
-image of 2 models in the double page, posing in a confident way with outfits that matches the scheme but minimalist.
-image of 2 models having completely 2 different aesthetics (one bold the other soft). This is to support the "how style can show personality". 

I think this will be pretty hard to find the perfect cover for the magazine because we will have to go shooting in a studio with complicated outfits for the magazine. In this case we are not sure yet what type of style we want to work with. Im working with my friend yolivia, therefore i have to do this process of shooting with her, personally i think it will be really fun.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Stuart Hall Representation theory

Short description of the theory:

Representation is : how a media portrays a character and how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity , national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience. 

Meaning : something has a fixed meaning once represented in media. 

Stereotypes is : oversimplification of what a person is like based on a range of different factors. These factors can involve culture, religion, race, sexual orientation, age, gender, appearance.

Stereotypes are used : to create common ground with audience, to convey a information about a character or group of characters quickly. 

What social groups are represented : Religion, Gender (men and women), Age, Race, social class, LGBT, disability. 

Two social groups that are stereotyped in Indonesian media:

a. Social class

b. The representation : 

- Positive : People from lower social classes are shown as hardworking and determined to make their lives better. This shows their will to make their lives better, lower class people are usually shown positively as kind and empathic because they went through the same thing. While people from the upper class can be shown positively as successful and generous, using their wealth to support charitable causes and make a positive impact on society. 

Negative: People from lower class might be shown involved in criminal activities or lacking education and manners, they may also look careless about their looks because they have no money. Richer people may be portrayed as materialistic and selfish because they only thing of theirself.

c. The reason: the reason for the positive and negative representation is to create diversity among the characters for the plot. 

d. Audience receive? audience confirms it with their beliefs about the stereotypes.

e. example:  

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Magazine Research

Here is the research for my magazine. 

Reflection : Personally i don't like the tacky colour of a magazine, i would not use this on my magazine because of the unaesthetic colour combinations and the colors that are way to much for my personal preference in a magazine. 

My team

This is my team blog post, i worked together with my friend Yolivia who has the same interest in magazine with me.

Yolivia's blog post link : 

Reflection : I choose to work together with Yolivia because she is my friend and i know that i can work together with her, i can handle her and she also has the same topic and interest with me which makes us work together. 

After a few weeks of doing our project together, we decided it would be too hard to make the magazine as a team because we have different time schedule and it impacts us as a team so we decided to split our group, me and Yolivia is not a group anymore and decided to do it individually.

Reflection (after team split) : I think that its actually a very god decision we made because it helps us become more effective in our individual work. We still took the magazine picture together and we still worked together on some things but we did the magazine completely individually and i think its a good thing because we both have different taste in magazine and we both can clearly put our ideas into full capacity working individually. 

Weekly progress & plan

Here is my weekly progress for the magazine project, and also my rough plan.


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)




Semester 1 

Week 1:
Our teacher introduced us to the magazine vocabulary and this magazine project sounds really fun, i'm excited to make my own magazine which is a fashion magazine. Im working together with my friend, Yolivia for this magazine. 

Week 2: 
i was doing my big detailed cover analysis and it's pretty hard. I think i should work on my time management and planning because i lose focus alot and i have to catch up. We learned about research and representation theory too in this week, the theories are abit hard to understand but after awhile i start to understand. Now i can apply them to the magazine such as representation theory and some more.

Week 3:
Analyzed a detailed cover magazine, i was abit confused as to what to write but after seeing the examples i start to get the idea of the magazine. Mr showed us an example of a fashion magazine from the upper grade, i think it looks really great and i would like to so something similar to that. I need to finish more of the detailed cover magazine by next friday. 

to do : make a draft of cover ( to get an idea of how my magazine will look like later on ), find a theme and a topic for my magazine (more detailed ver), finish my detailed magazine.

Week 4:
This week i finished my detailed cover magazine and created a magazine development in the class, i think the challenges i have is creating names and finding a theme for my fashion magazine. I can solve this by researching more when i have time.

Week 5:
We did media theory which helps us understand more about the terms of media, to use in our magazine. We also did a gallery walk about media theories. The problem i was having on the development process of my magazine is because my groupmate, yolivia did not come for a long time. I solved it by talking to her about the magazine ideas we are going to use, and the style. I need to finish making terminology and technical skills. 

Week 6:
We did section A practice in media and learn more about theories, i also made my double page spread analysis for the magazine. Wa also talked about new and old media, how it changes the audience and the industry. We also start the 1'st draft magazine article. 
Problem - making the article because it is still confusing in which vocab to use and how to write one.
Solution - i started to read more articles online and understand better
To do list - research more magazines and discuss more with my group mate (Yolivia).

Week 7: 
My teacher, Mr Nick gave us a checklist to make sure our blog posts are all there and organized. 
this is the checklist : 

This is the final week before our term break, my to do list is to find good locations for the magazines picture. 

Problems : I couldn't embed the statement of intent properly, my magazine is not done yet
Solution : Mr nick helped with the statement of intent and for magazine i will continue it until it's finished (deadline Thursday)

Semester 2

Week 1: 
We learned about the stages of media which is production, distribution and exhibition. We also learned about the industry of media and how it affects the media production. We got feedback from our teacher about our blog post, he said that my blog needs more reflection and improvement, we also made our location scout and risk assessment.  

Problem : Its hard to find a location which is perfect for the magazine
Solution : More research and asking previous upper grades about this task (since they already did the task)

Week 2:
We had practice to do our magazine which first we learned to sketch it on paper, we took draft pictures and make a hard draft practice in google drawings.We also learned about media industries and how the company can effect the media created. 

Problem : using google drawing is really hard because they are not as advanced for magazine and i don't know what font to use.
Solution: After searching, i decided to use canva because canva has lots of varieties for editing and for the fonts i decided to search up in pinterest for fonts that might look good on my magazine.

Week 3:
We made our magazine cover, took pictures for our magazine and started to design the magazine cover. We also learned about theory in consuming media

Problem: its hard to find a time for the pictures and its hard to find a perfect font for the magazine cover
Solution: Sacrifice our schedule to find the right time and use Dafont for the fonts

Week 4:
This week we started to finish our cover magazine, i decided to stop working together with Yolivia my teammate because we both agreed that it would be easier for us to do separately. We also started doing our critical self reflection for media.

Problem: finding the right time to take pictures for our magazine, making the critical self reflection because it is very long.
Solution: We scheduled this saturday and we cleared our plans for that day, starting to do my critical elf reflection from now.

Week 5:
This week i took all the pictures for my magazine needed, i also made my magazine cover and its very close too finished.

Problem: My picture was abit too big so i cannot adjust the pictures, instead i have to adjust the font in my magazine cover
Solution:  I decided to delete some of the fonts in magazine that is not needed for more space. 

Week 6:
I started my front cover page and table of contents page research and development blog post and started my double page spread development blog post

Problem: Its hard to find a font and to make the content page because its very confusing where to start and some magazine i found doesnt have that contents page
Solution: after researching in pinterest i finally found several ideas for the contents page.

Week 7: 
I finished making my front cover page and research and development blog post, made my contents page done and I finished my critical self reflection powerpoint.

Problem: time management is very hard bcs there are so many upcoming test and quiz that i also have to learn and media takes so much time from mine and when the due date is near.
Solution: I didnt sleep and did it all for 4 hours so finally i finished it

component 1 - Brief

 Here is the brief of Component 1. I have decided to choose the magazine option.

Reflection : I was really excited to make my own magazine, because the idea of making your own magazine sounds very interesting to me. From the start i knew i was going to choose fashion as the topic for my magazine because i am also really interested in fashion. The brief made me know what the project is about and what is expected from the project.

Multicam Editing- Class project

In this blog you can find the work I did on how to edit with multiple cameras. My group filmed the footage, but I edited it alone. My teache...