Monday, July 29, 2024

My team

 This is my team for the projects:

Regine's link: 

Aurelia's link:  

Beatrice's link:

This is my team consisting of Beatrice, Regine, Me (sharon), and Aurelia.

Self reflection: This team was not purposely made at first, I just moved back to media class and there was no other group and so I went in their group as a group consist of 4 people. It was nice to work with different people who I don't normally work with. Regina is our editor, Aurelia is our script maker, Beatrice is our storyboard maker and I made the location scouts and help with bits that I can help with. Although we don't always see things the same as I wanted to make a more crime murder documentary, I think our documentary is also a good idea. However i wished that we clicked more so that we can have fun and possibly film something that I am actually really interested in, so that I can contribute more. Honestly, it was hard to contribute as sometimes i felt as if my ideas are not really heard, not only my group usually choose another idea that they prefer better. I think next time i need to find a group with the same ideas and values as its hard to contribute with different perspectives. But they were great teammates, I think we did a great job.

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Post Production: Editing