Thursday, August 3, 2023

Weekly progress

 This is my weekly progress for the advert project

Week 2:

- Introduction to camera shots

Week 3:

- camera movements 

- analyzing tv commercials

- demographic and psychographic 

- i still need to complete 2 advert analysis on the analyzing tv commercials 

Week 4 : 

- introduction about mis-en-scene

- made our target audience for the advert

- we made the practice storyboard

Week 5:

- learned about how sound (diegetic and non diegetic) work in media

- started making our storyboard ad draft

Week 6:

- introduction to edits

- analyze movie "a quiet place" for practice

week 7:

- i did the practice storyboard, it was pretty hard since it was my first attempt i was abit confused with everything going on, in the end i finished it well.

- we had our first unit test, i think i did pretty well since i am able to answer everything

- 1'st attempt of ad storyboard, not finished yet

- i still need to finish the practice storyboard and final storyboard

Week 8:

- I finished my draft story board, i thought it was hard but turns out if you already got the clear outline, then everything will be easier. 

- I finished draft for self reflection, i just need to input it to my ppt, it was hard to come up with the words for the self reflection, i learned on things i should improve and im more aware of the things i’ve been doing after the self reflection. 

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Post Production: Editing