Thursday, November 7, 2024

Screen Test

 To find a star for our music video we need to conduct a screen test. Here is a video of our class's group audition (we did i in a class).

The advantages and disadvantages are taken from my teammate's blog Jocelyn as we are aiming for the same star in our music video.


- This was done at the last 10 minutes of class without having to stay after school, it did not take up too much of anyone's time

- We did this with a class of 24 students, so there were a variety of personalities to choose from 

- Also because there were a lot of students, everyone was having fun and were comfortable.


- Despite it being a big class of students, some students were still awkward and wasn't as comfortable as others were

- It wasn't done as a proper and formal screen test, so it might be a bit messy as it's not a professional screen test

Self Reflection: It wasn't as comfortable for everyone to do the screen test as most of us might not even memorize or know the song, and it wasn't a slow paced and easily guessable song. However we all managed to try and not be awkward around the camera and it definitely helped that there are 24 students in this class who are being recorded in the same time (emotional support). The Star actor we choose from this clip was (Sharon-me) as Hannah in the music video. We choose her as she is one team with us which makes it easily accessible for us and we are aiming for an honest, true to yourself kind of look which we are not looking for a very expurgated kind of performance video but rather a more calm and relatable kind of music video. 

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Post Production: Editing