Sunday, November 12, 2023

Location Scout and risk assessment



Location: Apurva Kempinski 

Purpose of this shot: To show the fashion pieces found during a fashion show which will help me create innovative ideas for my magazine about fashion.

Media language: Long shot to show the full model of the outfit, this brings the focus on the overall outfit. Lighting is dark to make the background dark and making the focus on the outfit which has bright colors  (such as pink, yellow). 

Pros: High value place which can make the magazine look more classy, well known place

Cons: Far away which makes it not as accessible (still in Bali), many people which cannot be controlled, lighting cant be controlled.

Alternatives: Instead of using well knows places, i can use studios to control everything better and to ensure success.

Risk assessment

Potential hazard:  Natural disaster (tsunami, earthquake), many people which can cause damage if not careful.

Evaluate risks: To practice safety in natural disaster to save time if a natural disaster occurs, ask for legal permission to the owners and put a barrier so other visitors cannot go past it and disrupt even more. 

Control measure: Give procedures to ensure safety and success of the project.

Technical skills (online)

 Problem: Unable to make the embed code larger

The problem was when i was using the normal embed code, the results are small in the statement of intent blog which makes me cant see the results nicely. 

After, i solved the problem by asking my teacher Mr Nick about this, he explained but i still don't understand fully so i used this video to help me and guide me. 

then i did the steps which is uploading it to google drive, making it public for everyone then adding the code <iframe src=" " width="640" height="480"></iframe> and insert the PDF link into the src=" " which then makes the statement of intent post in big size and solves the problem. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Magazine article (1'st draft)

 The 1’st draft magazine

The Art of Fashion

"Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them." says philosopher cortez. In fashion styles are often changing, and that is what makes fashion interesting. “I love fashion and i love how fashion changes people, says the new rising star Yolivia Kim”  She stated that the how we are as a person is reflected through the clothes we wear which doesn't mean that our clothes are who we are, but usually the way we dress is reflected from our mind. "Your authentic self is who you truly are in a daily basis, the reflection of who you are" In the early 1979, It was recently discovered the way that you can create and express your own style. According to the “chic league” it is possible to find personal styles and aesthetics that can enhance yourself and embrace your uniqueness. Can you believe it? It means we can have our own personal style and you don't have to change to fit it! "Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live." says Gianni Versace. Style varies a lot from different ways, and it is important that we are brave enough to express how we are and be different. Difference is something that makes everyone unique, there no other you in this world. To understand the art of fashion is to develop a truly personal aesthetic that resonates with your spirit, channeling your true self. Which, personal aesthetics needs to be made personal in ways such as creating self expression within fit, balance, and self concept style. When the fashion developers gather around in 1980, they agreed on this conclusion of the different aesthetics that are expressed within people. "We think that aesthetics are compiled by the mind and emotions relative to one's sense of beauty such as development of taste through views and perception. Aesthetics are also impacted by the time, location, culture, values which causes the changes in the fashion Industry." says the fashion developers. According to chic league there are 7 types of style which are mixed and matched by people in different ways. Some people can have the essence of two or more style but one of them are more dominant then the others. This is what creates the difference of style between people around the world. 7 types of the styles are elegant, classic, alluring, dramatic, creative, feminine and natural. "Out and about" created a description of the styles that would match your personality and type. Classics are usually women who prefer feeling comfortable but stylish and put together and they are conservative and well organized, usually wearing clean, good quality, tailored and classic cuts with neutral colours. On the other hand, feminine are soft delicate and femininely charming types of women who prefers girly outfits with florals, silky, dresses and soft feminine colors such as pink. For natural style, they are a little more complex because of the wider variety but they are usually women who want to feel comfortable and stylish, a bit bolder. The types of clothings that are usually more correlated to natural style is oversized outfits, baggy jeans, sports within bold and darker colours which spices up the whole look. Although naturals are quite bold, another bolder style is the dramatic style. With a "look at me" kind of attitude shown from style, they are confident and sharp and they are not afraid to stand out. This style is usually correlated with black and they love neutrals too such as white, camel. Dramatics are unique because they can wear almost everything such as girly dresses but with bold boots, they tend to use clothings that has that unique, bold look that they are attracted to. Creative style personalities are usually quirky, imaginative, unique and stands out. They love creating new looks that usually uses vibrant colours and trying combinations that are just so exotic. Elegants are usually soft and very well put together women who likes to dress up, but not over dress. They like to look like they are feminine and sophisticated and carries the image of high social standing. Clothings they wear are usually minimalist with good quality materials. The last style is alluring which has qualities such as flirtatious and seductive which carries image of glamour, daring and danger. Alluring usually wears clothings that are quite revealing and they are comfortable with that. In the fashion aesthetics it is usually common to blend the styles together. Rising star Yolivia Kim stated that "I always like to dress feminine but there are times that i dress feminine, dramatic and classic. There are so many ways to mix the styles and the idea of the different possible combinations is incredible." From her photoshoot on 2023 for street out, it was seen that she mixed dramatic and feminine together somehow. "She really is the master of mix and matching" stated krisa del, movie star. Overall, the mix of style and aesthetics can create that one unique look that truly expresses you.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 These are the media terms i learned so far :

Double page spread : Research and development

 This is my research and development on double page spread magazine.

Before Reading
Issue:September 11, 2023
Genre:The genre is fashion
Images:1 big image (the entire page), The image shows a close up
picture of a the girl's face.
Layoutthe layout of the text is column in 3 rows , there are lots of empty
space in the bottom of the magazine (for the title) which makes
 the magazine looks messy.
First impressions:I find that the magazine looks okay but isn't so eye catching
because the text and images don't really work together so it
looks kind of boring and uninteresting. I don't like that it looks
too simple and the half page is filled with just texts which gives
the impression of the magazine being so informative and serious.
After Reading
Heading:"sensitivity training"
Subheading:no subheading
Author:There is no byline, but a photographer is mentioned which is
Stefan Ruiz
Article:This article is talking about skin sensitivity within women because of the overuse of strong products that instead of helping our skin, ruins our skin instead.
Mode of address:It is not directly addressed to us but the article addresses us as readers because they don't use words like "you" so the magazine is in a more formal style.
Pull Quote:There is a pull quote which is used to talk about products for skin. It's probably used to catch the audiences attention more because audience will focuses on that more since the writing is bigger.
Audience:Audience that is targeted is those who are interested in skincare, they are targeted by the full page picture and title which talks about skincare and self care.
Impression:The magazine was okay but kind of boring since it's not really colourful and the theme is really monochrome.
Inspiration:I learned that the usage of pictures in magazine plays a very important learn. It is important to add pictures which is not only one so that the audience don't get bored and also to make sure the colours are eye catching and interesting to attract the audiences attention.
Before Reading
Issue:Date of Issue/ Issue No: 2022
Genre:The genre is fashion
Images:1 big image (the entire page), The image shows a long shot of
6 different models in various clothes (similar style)
Layoutthe layout of the text is column in 2 rows , which looks neat and
less messy but not so formal too.
First impressions:Looks really eye catching because of the images used and the
heading standing out.
After Reading
Heading:"odes to life"
Subheading:"A symbol at the heart of ukrainian artist....." it's a very long subheading
Author:Is there a byline? There is no byline, but a photographer is mentioned
Article:What is the article about? What is the message? The article is about the creating process of dior and what materials are used in the process.
Mode of address:Does it address the audience directly (you, your etc). Is the writing style formal/informal, friendly/serious. The writing style is more informal which is shown from the fonts that are used.
Pull Quote:Does it include a pull quote? What does it say? Why has it been used? There is no pull quote included in this magazine.
Audience:Who is the audience for this magazine? How were they targeted? Anyone who is interested in fashion designing and about the process of fashion designing.
Impression:What did you think of the article? Was it fun, interesting, boring? Why? Pretty bring since it is just about the process and not apllicable in real life
Inspiration:What did you learn? How can you apply it to your own magazine design? I learned that the fonts can really make a magazine look differen, im only going to apply some of the layouts because it really looks nice

The double spread research and development help me get a in depth about the double page spread 

Statement of intent

This is my statement of intent:  

Self reflection: This statement of intent really helped me to find the big ideas that i'm going to use for the magazine, although it's more vague but it helped me get an image of what i want the magazine to be in my head. The problem that occurred when making this statement of intent is that when inputed to the blogpost, it cannot be shown properly. Luckily mr nick helped me solve the problem by showing me how to do it and giving me a youtube tutorial on how to do it. 

Crime Documentary Self Reflection

 This is my critical self reflection: These are the questions for the critical self reflection CR 1  - How do your products represent social...