Thursday, August 24, 2023


This is my proposal on my advert :

Name of the product : Wuling Hongguang Mini EV Pink

Target Audience : women from age 20 - 40 who wants a sustainable choice which also matches their style.

Idea : 

- In the  girl in a fight with her boyfriend, he's saying "oh you cant do this, ofc you cant do that" he's underestimating her because she's a girl, another girl overheard (Devon Aoki), she pulls the girl aside and told the guy "she's breaking up with you". In another shot the girl and Devon Aoki goes shopping with Wuling Hongguang Mini EV Pink, they went on a crazy shopping spree and passes by the ex with the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV pink and says "you sure i can't do that?". The tagline will be "Empowering women"

The star appeal to attract target audience: 

(suki - fast furious / Devon Aoki)

after the revision with mr nick i've come up with a revision:

- setting is in the boyfriends car, the girl ask if she can drive the car, the guy tells her "no this is a mans car, you can't drive this car your a girl". Suddenly Devon Aoki appears by opening the girls car door and said "she's breaking up with you". Then the girl ask, "what am i gonna do now?". Devon Aoki says "i've got just the car for you". The Wuling Hongguang Mini EV Pink appears then the girl and Devon Aoki drives around. They passed by the ex and she says "see? i can do better then you". Then they left and tag line will be "empowering women".

From here i learned how to make a good storyboard ad, at first coming up with the idea was really hard but in the end i managed to do it after consulting with Mr. nick. This proposal helped me with making the storyline for my storyboard ad. 

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Post Production: Editing